Phew. I know it has been quite some time since I've blogged, and I apologize for that. But what better time to make a come back then the day after such a successful election night?? I'm happy for so many reasons, but I'll list some of them for you now:
1. ME, MD, and WA for the first time ever by popular vote legalized gay marriage, standing by equality for all.
2. MN refused to ban gay marriage.
3. Tammy Baldwin became the first openly gay senator. She represents WI.
4. A female double-amputee war hero won the Congressional seat for Illinois's 8th district.
5. A man who thinks there is such a thing as "legitimate rape" was defeated soundly in Missouri.
6. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii was elected as the first woman Hindu representative to the House and Mazie Hirono of Hawaii was elected as the first Buddhist Senator.
7. Barack Obama was reelected President of the United States.
And, an interesting result/not one I care about though:
CO and WA voted to approve state initiatives to legalize marijuana.
Voting is such an awesome right. No matter who you voted for, if you voted, I fully support you. In a democracy, there is no more important duty than the duty to vote.
That's me, exercising my right and voting early!
(Don't you dare judge the taco bell in my hands. That, I absolutely cannot support.)