Tuesday, January 8, 2013

An avett brothers new year

Sorry, I know I'm 8 days late.  Clearly, punctuality wasn't a new years resolution for me.  Still, our NYE was awesome.  How was yours?  S. and a couple friends and I went to see the Avett Brothers live in concert at the Greensboro Coliseum.  The opening act was Amos Lee.  Of course, we didn't really make it in time to see much of him.  Something about pregaming.  ;)

Awful pic, I know, but the seats were really pretty great.  I never thought I'd enjoy a concert for new years, but the band was awesome (and PUMPED), the audience was rowdy but happy, and the company was even better.

Shawn, Jill, S., and Me

Our second new year's together.  Here's hoping for more.
My 2013 Resolutions:
1. Run at least 3 5ks
2. Laugh out loud more
3. Reduce snap judgments
4. Cook one Indian meal a week
How are you planning to change?


1 comment:

  1. Great resolutions! Let me know what races you sign up for this year and I'll try to do at least one with you!
