Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Happy Bday, S.!

Yesterday was S.'s birthday, and if you know me at all, you know that I go crazy for celebrating people's birthdays.  In addition to a midnight skype dance and song, I sent him emails throughout the day (some funny, some sappy) and drove up to Chapel Hill to spend the evening with him.  I decorated his guy apartment with balloons, a banner, and, most importantly, heavenly, out of this world black bottom cupcakes that Laura and I had made on Sunday.  I also wrapped up his presents (two ties, a dress shirt, and a dressy pullover because he wanted fancier business clothes with his start at Kenan Flagler's b-school). 

Pictures of us scattered all over the table
I think the surprise was a nice thing for him to come home to, especially since he had just taken a three hour final exam in finance.  Yuck, I know.  But his celebration isn't over continues this weekend, but it's a surprise, so more on that later.  Happy 26th Bday, S.!

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